This is a case of a 58 year old male patient,a daily wage worker by occupation

This is a case of  a 58 year old male patient,a daily wage worker by occupation 

10 years ago

While working, he got injured by an Iron rake on his left leg.

He neglected it for a few days. It got infected for which he was taken to hospital. It was treated and skin graft was placed.

He was then diagnosed to be having Diabetes mellitus and has been on medication ever since.

6 years ago

He and his wife were on a bike and met with an accident when he responded to her when she asked him to divert the bike away from the vehicle coming in front but didn’t do so.

There was no loss of consciousness then but the wife complained that sometimes he went right in front of the vehicle while crossing the road.

5 years ago

He stopped going to work. When asked the reason the wife said that he told her that he didn’t feel like working anymore.

2017 After few days, 

1)He started having problem in remembering things such as where he kept his medicines, dress etc. The relatives also mentioned that he stopped communicating with them normally the way he does and talked only when he got anger or frustrated.

2)He was also an alcoholic (drinking a quarter twice or thrice in a week).

It was for these two reasons, the patient was brought to the hospital for consultation.

He was prescribed to use some medication  which he failed to use


The patient was brought again to the hospital because of the same complaints

He failed to use the prescribed medication again

He was also diagnosed to be HBV positive

He was advised not to defecate outside which he does till date even though he has a inbuilt lavatory facilities at home

JAN 30 2022

The patient felt fine after getting up 

He went out for defecation

While coming back the patient complained that he was

1) Unable to hold the mug with his left hand

2) Dragging his left leg

3) Deviation of mouth towards right side

4) Slurring of speech

He was taken to hospital-1 and CT was taken.

He was shifted to present hospital due to lack of money.

1 FEB 2022

The patient has better functioning of left limbs now

Slurring reduced 

No Deviation of mouth observed

General examination:

he is conscious, coherent, cooperative, well oriented to time, place and person. he is moderately built and moderately nourished. 

Pallor- absent

Icterus- absent

Cyanosis- absent

Clubbing- absent

Lymphadenopathy- absent

Edema- absent

Vitals on admission-

Temperature - 97.2 F

PR- 64 bpm

BP- 110/70 mm Hg

RR- 20cpm

SpO2- 99% on RA


Dementia Scoring

Systemic examination:

CVS- S1,S2 sounds heard. No murmurs.

RS- BAE present, trachea is central, no wheeze.

P/A- Soft, non tender, Bowel sounds heard

CNS- GCS 15/15

Power right 5/5 in upper and lower limb 

Left 0/5 in upper limb and lower limb 

Tone decreased on left upper and lower limb 

Reflexes -rt-2+ and lt side- 3+

Rt side -plantar- flexion

Lt side -plantar-withdrawal

 Deviation of mouth to right side


Left hemiplegia with UMN facial palsy secondary to acute infarct in MCA territory


Chest X-Ray

CT Brain



- INJ. OPTINEURON 1 amp in 100ml NS/IV/OD

- INJ. PAN 40 mg IV/OD





- physiotherapy of left upper limb and left lower limb

- ryles feeding

- monitor vitals 4th hrly

- GRBS 6 th hrly


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