A 53year old male came to the OPD,with the chief complaints of pain abdomen and distension of abdomen since 6 months.

He was apparently asymptomatic 6 months back,then he developed
-Pain - in the lower quadrants,which was sudden in onset and gradually progressive since 6 months and was radiating to the back.It was also associated with distension of abdomen.
He went to the local hospital,there he was diagnosed with gall stones,liver cirrhosis, pancreatitis,and jaundice.For further evaluation and treatment he visited our hospital.
Since 3 days he had muscle cramps.
He is not a know case of diabetes mellitus,hypertension,bronchial asthma,tuberculosis,epilepsy,or coranary heart disease.
Family history is insignificant.
He has a mixed diet,adequate sleep,appetite normal and bowel and bladder movements were regular.He drinks 500ml of alcohol per day since 35 years.

He is conscious,coherent,cooperative and moderately built and moderately nourished.He is well oriented to time,place and person.
Icturus was present.No Pallor,Cyanosis,Clubbing,Koilonychia,Lymphadenopathy,and Edema.
His vital are normal.
On examination of abdomen,
On inspection,abdomen was distended,no scars and sinuses.
Fluid thrill was present,and dull note was present on percussion.

He was diagnosed as ascitis and was treated according.Ascitic tap was done 4 times which relieved his distension and now he is treated with diuretics.
As to control his alcohol,he was given oxazepam.


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